FACES by Roger Hutchison
In July, I lost my husband, Shawn, to bacterial meningitis. He was a phenomenal husband, father, and child welfare attorney. He lived every day to the fullest. Shawn loved nature and believed in the essential value of every human. One of his favorite poems was “Pied Beauty” by Gerard Manley Hopkins. He loved it because it celebrated the uniqueness of every living being. As Shawn requested, our priest read the poem at his funeral.
Shawn would be honored to know that our family friend, Roger Hutchison, dedicated his upcoming book FACES to our children. In the spirit of “Pied Beauty,” FACES celebrates our uniqueness—our feelings, our bodies, our stories, and our hopes. Hutchinson beautifully personifies God as artist embracing not only the beauty of life, but the rage, suffering, and fear so many feel. This is the book we all need right now. FACES calls us to pause, breathe, and recognize our value as human beings.
If you haven’t had a chance to visit Roger’s website, please do. You can pre-order FACES now.